Фуджи x100 - дизайн супер, все остальное - глючное говно. По отзывам. Я бы перешел на такой формат, если бы по характеристикам он хоть отдаленно приближался к зеркалкам начального уровня.
СсылкаFor carrying everywhere, and for photographing people under any and every available lighting condition, there is no camera that compares with the Fuji X100. It's what I carry everywhere with my family.
It's the smallest and lightest serious camera available (half the weight of a LEICA and a fraction of the size and weight of a pro DSLR), and also gives the best results for people pictures under every sort of crazy light you'll find people being people. It's low-light, auto fill-flash, auto ISO, auto WB and color rendition under difficult conditions is
far better than any of my Canons, Nikons or LEICAs. Yes, I can get the same results as the light changes after fiddling with my Nikon or Canon or LEICA, but the Fuji X100 always nails the first shot in difficult light all by itself without me having to fiddle, when means the Fuji gets the shot while I'd still be fiddling with one of the other cameras.
No camera captures life like the Fuji X100. The only problem is that because it's so good, so unique and so new, it's nearly impossible to find.
Беззеркалка от Сони, Олимпуса, Панасоника и даже Самсунга вполне конкурирует с любой зеркалкой начального уровня. Я уже видел несколько рецензий, где делается такой вывод: зачем нужна зеркалка, если существует такая беззеркалка? Правильно, не нужна для любителя.