Добрый день. Я подавал документы в NIRD в г Хайдарабад, начало курсов 9 января. Сегодня на почту пришло сообщение с данного института следующего содержания: Dear Sir/Madam,
Congratulations on being nominated for the international training programme on "Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development" scheduled from 9th January 2012 to 6th February, 2012. On behalf of the programme team of this Institute, I have great pleasure in extending you a warm welcome to NIRD.
This one-month training programme is intended to provide you an opportunity to share your experience and sharpen your knowledge on agriculture and rural development programmes in different countries. You will be taken to exposure visit for one week outside Hyderabad. You are also requested to submit your Country Paper on "Policies and Programmes for Agriculture and Rural Development". The format for preparing the paper is enclosed herewith. For an effective interaction with fellow participants, I request you to make a country presentation (in power point) relating to the status of agriculture and rural development activities in your country. I am herewith enclosing two documents (i) format for country paper reports, (ii) facilities available at NIRD.
It is requested that the travel plans may please be forwarded to the undersigned for making pick up arrangements from the airport.
Кому то еще приходили подобные письма? Что это значит? Это ведь не официальное приглашение.
Кто в курсе дайте знать, буду очень благодарен.