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Другие страны ЮВА › Из Таиланда в Мьянму (Бирму) по земле

Карма 5117
Милостивые государи! Кто-нибудь может по собственному опыту подтвердить, что теперь можно въехать в Мьянму по земле из Тая и спокойно проехать вглубь страны? А то проскакивала такая инфа, но хотелось бы подтверждения.
Карма 39
Присоединяюсь к вопросу. Тема очень интересна в свете предстоящего трипа по ЮВА.
Карма 1651
Теперь возможно. Официальная информация

Permission of Entry into and Departure from Myanmar – Thai Border Gates

Under the agreement between the Union of Myanmar Government and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand, the following border entrances / exits have been designated as international entrances / exits with effect from 0800 hours on the 28th August 2013 (Wednesday), and those Myanmar and Thai citizens as well as Third country citizens holding valid passport with visa will be permitted to enter and depart from Myanmar;

(a) Tachilek – Maisai

(b) Myawaddy – Mesok

(c) Htee Kee – Phunaron

(d) Kawthoung – Ranong

Those who enter/ depart from the aforesaid International entrance/ exits will be permitted to enter/depart from any International entrance / exits of Myanmar; Nay Pyi Taw International Airport, Yangon International Airport, Mandalay International Airport, Tachilek, Myawaddy, Htee Kee and Kawthoung.

Regarding the permit of stay, extension of stay and the visa fees, the rules and regulation are the same as before depending on the type of visa for which application has been made to be able to enter Myanmar.

Under the current circumstances, Visa On Arrival is not issued yet at the international entrances/ exits as mentioned in the paragraph (1).

The Visitors are permitted to travel everywhere except the restricted areas designated by the Ministry of Home Affair in its Notification 77/2013 issued on 15-1-2013 ( The list of restricted areas is available at border entrances / exits )

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