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Индия › Hang Massive в Гоа

Карма 1708

We are pleased to announce that we will be live streaming a beautiful Northern Light event/concert from tropical Goa.

The event will take place this coming SATURDAY 16th FEB ( check event page for local timings )

The concert will feature Hang Massive, Storia, Peter Wickstrom and special guests.

You can register and log on and watch and listen from anywhere in the world :-)

Check out the facebok event page and simply click on the link to register:


This is a first for us and we would love to be connected with our friends all over the world. Please register and donate if you feel you can, kick back and crank up your best heaphones and speakers and enjoy the show.

Check the links below for more info:

www.hangmusic.org - HANG MASSIVE

www.storiatime.com - STORIA


We look fwd to being together in this way.


The Hang MAssive and Northern Light Experience Crew.

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