Зоопарк в Вандалуре (Arignar Anna Zoological Park)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arignar_Anna_Zoological_ParkThe zoo is open from 7.00am to 8.00pm all days, except Tuesdays. All the animals, especially the big cats are back in their cages after 5.00pm. So, most tourists prefer to visit these before going on to the other exhibits.
One can easily end up walking 10-15 km across the stretch of the park. The battery-operated vehicles are also available for rent. However, there are only 5-7 vehicles. Each vehicle carries approximately 15-20 people.
There is a restaurant, an ice cream parlor and a drinks counter - all situated near the entrance. However, there aren't too many refreshment counters within the zoo.
Elefant safari is introduced in the zoo starting from the summer of 2008. Visitors can travel on elephants for a tour around the zoo